Sunday, October 31, 2004
okay... found it from shu duan's blog... quite cute...
Fear of encountering a cat is - ailurophobia.
Fear of heights - acrophobia
Fear of spiders - arachnophobia
Fear of dentists - dentophobia
Fear of number 8 - octophobia
Fear of needles - aichmophobia
Fear of death - thanatophobia
Fear of vegetables - lachanophobia
Fear of fishes - lchthyophobia
Fear of gods - zeusophobia
Fear of long words - hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia
Fear of looking at yourself in the mirror - eisoptrophobia
Fear of bald pple - peladophobia
Fear of yellow colour - xanthophobia
Fear of witches, withcraft and wizards - wiccaphobia
Fear of sitting - thaasophobia
Fear of memories - mnemophobia
Fear of having peanut butter sticking to the upper palate of your mouth - arachibutyrophobia
Fear of urinating - urophobia
it's halloween today!!it's so cool!